Another Jewel

I do like to listen to good speakers. In fact many years ago an organization would put on a yearly symposium of about 6-8 speakers for one day. The entrance fee covered the entire day, and you were free to go in and out at any time. I cannot say that I remember every speaker, because I don’t. However, as I recall that one of the best speakers was Lou Holtz, the ex-coach of Norte Dame football coach. His speech was peppered with quotes and was very inspirational. One of the worst speakers at these yearly symposiums was Rudy Giuliani. I cannot remember what he talked about, but on the circular stage he rotated a quarter turn ever twenty seconds, and his constant rhythmic turning drove me crazy! Since Covid sadly the availability of these multiple speakers at a symposium is no more.

I went through this personal history of sorts, because I still have an interest in listening to good speakers. In line with this affinity, I never pass up an opportunity to listen to Senator John Kennedy (R,LA). I just finished listening to a ten minute speech that Sen. Kennedy gave to the Senate Judiciary Committee during a 5/2 hearing on “Supreme Court Ethics Reform.” As usual his speech did not disappoint. It was another jewel.

From Red State:

“Each of the committee members, of course, had their time to give an opening statement before questioning the witnesses. True to form, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) gave a statement that nailed the Democrats’ naked power ploy for exactly what it is:

‘Today’s hearing is an excuse to sling more mud at an institution some Democrats don’t like because they CAN’T CONTROL IT!’

Never one to shy away from the unvarnished truth, Kennedy, in his remarks, got down to the ultimate heart of the matter, observing: ‘The danger isn’t that rogue justices are operating without ethics – it’s that Democrats aren’t winning every fight and they find that reality intolerable.’”

Senator Kennedy also had many other good lines in this speech … for instance:

“My democratic colleagues should fill out a hurt feelings report and move on, for the sake of the Constitution!”

During this speech Senator Kennedy also took multiple well deserved shots at Sen. Chuck Schumer for his grandstanding threats on 3/4/2020 to Justices  Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, while Schumer was standing on the Supreme Court stairs. In addition, tongue-in-cheek, he warned Justice Barrett that she better not have any overdue library books, or else they would be coming after her!

If you are a fan of good speakers, listen to this speech. I guarantee that it will be ten minutes well spent.


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