An FDA “Covid Conundrum”

“I’m from the government, and I am here to help.”

That was one of Ronald Reagan’s famous quotes detailing the nine scariest words in the English language  … famous because it is so true!

While I am sure that many of you are tired of hearing about Ivermectin and Covid, I just watched a video about how duplicitous the FDA was in reference to Ivermectin. As background the discoverers of Ivermectin  won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015, and subsequently Ivermectin has been safely taken by billions of individuals, mainly in Africa. (Note: that is Billions with a capital B!) The side effect profile has been outstanding, it has been proven to be extremely safe. 

So why did the FDA create the following conundrum by stating that Ivermectin was not recommended for Covid, and then citing that people were overdosing on it. In actuality the overdoses were because desperate individuals were taking Ivermectin in doses meant for animals, and this was because they could not get Ivermectin in pill form, because it was “not recommended” by the FDA!

But it gets worse! On its website the FDA had an article titled, “Why 

You Should Not Use Ivermectin To Treat or Prevent Covid-19.” In this 

piece the FDA referred to 89 different referenced articles, of which 32 were completed trials. Of these 32 … take a deep breath here! … of these 32 referenced completed trials, 16 said that Ivermectin worked either as treatment or as prophylaxis for Covid. 6/32 gave Ivermectin mixed results, whereas 10 said that Ivermectin did not work. The 16 referenced studies that said that Ivermectin was beneficial included a 363 patient study from Bangladesh, an 89 patient trial from Israel, and a 229 health care worker study from Argentina. This last Argentinian study had a follow-up with 1200 individuals that showed similar beneficial results.

In other words, from studies noted on the FDA’s own website, Ivermectin had either positive result or a mixed benefit result  in 69% of the papers that the FDA referenced. So what did the FDA say, “You’re not a horse; you’re not a cow; seriously ya’ll. Stop it.”

Someday in the future perhaps we will find out the why as to this FDA conundrum … or in plain language, why the FDA lied to the American public.

( BTW, if you are interested there is an excellent video on Epoch Times. It is posted in “Facts Matter” by Roman Balmakov. It takes 12:16 to watch the entire video. I would strongly recommend it, especially to those who are “Ivermectin doubters.”)


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