An Amateur vs. A Pro

While Putin was amassing troops along the Ukrainian border, and Joe Biden was doing nothing, on 2/24/22, I wrote the following on my blog:

“What we basically have here is an amateur trying to match wits with a professional. Putin, the professional, has been planning his “invasion” into Ukraine for months. Who could ever think that Putin was doing this just for fun? Who could possibly fantasize that Putin was bluffing? Furthermore, who could convince himself that this Russian troop buildup was anything but the real deal. Only a rank amateur, and for all of you voted for J.B., let me break it to you gently … J.B. is a rank amateur – as rank as they come.

There is no way in hell that Biden has a chance against Putin, and soon, if not already, every rational person will realize this. At this point my hope is that Biden can find some way to save face without getting any Americans killed.”

Back then some RINOs castigated me for being too harsh on Joe Biden. However look at what we have today. It’s been over two years and actually what we have today is a “Biden-mess,” when we look at world affairs.

How do I define a “Biden-mess?”
Let’s look at the following.

Recently there have been Russian warships in Cuba.
Headline from the Miami Herald:

Biden’s response … nothing!

Likewise we have Putin visiting North Korea where the Russian President Vladimir Putin and the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a new pact that includes a pledge of mutual defense if either is attacked.

Biden’s response … nothing!

Similarly, the Middle East is a “Biden mess.” Whereas , prior to Biden’s meddling Russia and Israel were on cordial terms, and now Putin is courting Iran, the arch-enemy of Israel.
Biden’s ineptitude of trying not to offend some voters in Michigan, is leading to a gradual separation of the longstanding Israel-US alliance.
Another “Biden-mess!”

And to top it off the Ukraine war is still ongoing. Putin and Russians have proposed conditions for peace. Biden’s response … zippo.

Now back to my comments of February 2022. Can anybody argue that Biden, the amateur, has been totally one-upped by Putin, the professional?