American Pie

As I was recently listening to one of my all time favorite songs, I was reminded of something that I said concerning Joe Biden’s presidency  way way back on that first fateful day when he initially occupied the Oval Office. Back then I vowed that if J.B. did anything g good, I would commend him for it. As all rational Americans are painfully aware, it has been a drought for any Biden commendations, as catastrophe after Biden catastrophe has happened. Without going into the specifics of each of Biden’s poor policies, each of his poor judgements, and his individual malaprops, suffice it to say that saying something favorable about J.B. has been ne’er to impossible. 

Oops, got distracted … the song was American Pie by Don McLean. The introductory verse is:

“Long long time ago, I can still remember

How that music used to make me smile

And I knew if I had my chance

That I could make those people dance

And maybe they’d be happy for a while”

I knew that if I had my chance, I could make those on the left happy for a while. Well today I have my chance as J.B. has finally done something good.

From Townhall:

“The first international shipment of specialty baby formula has arrived in the United States by a military plane, enough for more than a million and a half bottles. 

The first flight of “Operation Fly Formula” landed in Indianapolis weighing more than 78, 000 pounds, as part of the Biden administration’s ongoing efforts to address the baby formula shortage. 

According to the White House, the formula brands that the shipment includes is: Alfamino Infant, Alfamino Junior, and Gerber Good Start Extensive HA, and will be distributed to medical offices and pharmacies, but not store shelves. 

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, who greeted the plane on the tarmac, said the shipment will feed about 9,000 babies.”

So true to my word …”Kudos to J.B. for his action on the Baby Formula shortage.” 

Hopefully, he will be able to sustain this initial effort.


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