Amateur vs. Professional

Years ago I was playing a fair amount of poker at casinos and doing okay. Keep in mind that I was an amateur, playing only for fun, while others were more dedicated and much more proficient. Many were professionals and, like I said, I was an amateur. When a professional is mano-a-mano with an amateur, most often the professional will win. Whether we are referring to sports, or are referring to the more important things of the world, again and again, I will put my money on the pro every time. I could see the writing on the wall, and I no longer play poker at the local casinos.

 What brought this weak poker analogy to mind? 

Think of the headlines these days. Think Ukraine. What we basically have here is an amateur trying to match wits with a professional. Putin, the professional, has been planning his “invasion” into Ukraine for months. Who could ever think that Putin was doing this just for fun? Who could possibly fantasize that Putin was bluffing? Furthermore, who could convince himself that this Russian troop buildup was anything but the real deal. Only a rank amateur, and for all of you voted for J.B., let me break it to you gently … J.B. is a rank amateur – as rank as they come.

There is no way in hell that Biden has a chance against Putin, and soon, if not already, every rational person will realize this. At this point my hope is that Biden can find some way to save face without getting any Americans killed. 

As of 2/22/22 Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba was holding out some hope, because he said that President Biden promised his country more weapons from the U.S. for its bid to fight off a Russian invasion. I’ve got news for you, Minister Kuleba … If you haven’t realized it yet, J.B is an amateur, and Putin is a pro who is not bluffing. If Ukraine is pinning its hopes on Biden, the best advice I can offer is to pray a lot.

However, I do agree with what Kubela said to close out his interview:

“This will send a clear message across the entire world that the West is incapable of defending its principles.” In addition, Kuleba warned that “other players” would soon “challenge the United States” based on its inaction in Ukraine. 

This, my friends, is a sure bet!


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