Alma Adams ??

When I initially read about this case I was gobsmacked. Could it be that SCOTUS is actually going to put on their big-boy/girl pants, and in part tangentially address the issue of voter fraud. Here I am referring to the case of Brunson vs. Adams. If your response is “never heard of this case,”do not feel out of touch, as predictably it has not received one iota of publicity in Main Stream Media.

Before anyone gets fired up let me point out that there is no way that SCOTUS is going to consider hearing this case. A deadline for the Rule of Four has been set for 1/6/23. [If you are not familiar with the Rule of Four and how it pertains to SCOTUS, perhaps you could read my fictional novella, “The Keneally Chronicles” (available on Amazon), as the Rule of Four is a central part of that story.]

Brunson vs. Adams is not about election fraud per se, but rather is about the nonchalant and irresponsible approach that the Congress and V.P. Mike Pence took, or rather didn’t take, when considering the validity of the last Presidential election.

The following is from the editor of The Blackshear Times, 12/28/22:

“I am writing this letter to inform your readers about a highly significant case that will be coming before the U.S. Supreme Court January 6, 2023 which has not gotten the attention in the press that it deserves.  

Brunson vs Alma S. Adams et. al has been brought to  the court by four brothers from Ogden, UT none of which are attorneys. In their case they make the argument that when Congress certified  the election of 2020 without taking the 10 days to investigate charges of election fraud that they violated their oaths of office. That violation, if agreed by the court, would require that they would immediately be removed from office and could not stand  for office in the future. Those that would be affected by this ruling would include the former and present Vice Presidents, the present President and over 300 members of Congress. Should this occur it will be a political tsunami and the mainstream press remains strangely silent.”

Wow! Don’t get your hopes up. Word has it that in the past the Chief Justice, John Roberts, could be heard screaming behind closed doors about riots in the streets if SCOTUS took a look at anything that questioned the validity of the election. Tsk! Tsk!

BTW, who is Alma Adams? Alphabetically she happens to be at the top of the list that Mr. Brunson says committed treason.


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