All In Unison

,When they are all saying the same thing, often using the same words in unison be suspicious . . . be very suspicious, because their philosophy is “if you say the same thing all in unison often enough, the people will believe it to be true.”

The latest all in unison chant has to do with how President Trump is somehow responsible for Covid and it’s economic consequences.

From the Daily Caller:

First it was the Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Biden said the economic downturn was the result of the President’s leadership back in July, according to CNBC.

“The depth of economic devastation our nation is experiencing is not an act of God, it’s a failure of presidential leadership. Had President Trump taken immediate and decisive action, tens of thousands of lives and millions of jobs would never have been lost.”

Next was ABC’s Chief Political Analyst Matthew Dowd, “It is a verifiable fact that through commission or omission president trump made the economy worse, made the pandemic worse, made racial strive worse, made the deficit worse and worsened our foreign relations with nearly every other country,”

Next, none other than B.O. 

Again from the Daily Caller:

During his speech at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), former President Barack Obama bashed Trump’s economic performance.

“Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t,” Obama said. “And the consequences of that failure are severe. 170,000 Americans dead. Millions of jobs gone while those at the top take in more than ever.”

What most of these “all in unison” comments fail to consider is that states with the highest levels of unemployment and greatest job loss are states in which Democratic leaders instituted draconian lockdown measures. 


Roughly one-third of New York City’s 240,000 small businesses may never reopen due to the financial burden of having been forcibly closed, according to the New York Times. At least 2,800 businesses in the city have permanently closed since March 1, a higher number than any other large American city, per the same report.

Further, data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) showed New York had a July unemployment rate of 15.9%, well above the July national average of 10.2%.

In March, Democratic New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy also issued an executive order instituting  a state-wide lockdown, shutting down what he deemed “non-essential businesses,” similar to the list of those shut down in New York. Date from the BLS shows New Jersey had a July unemployment rate of 13.8%, also well above the national average.

The “all in unison” response to these facts about New York and New Jersey is something along the lines of . . . “blah, blah, blah, it’s not the fault of these Democratic governors, because . . . blah, blah, blah.”

However, as we look into this issue further there appears to be a significant difference between the blue and the red states’ responses to Covid, and this is something that President Trump had nothing to do with.

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Democratic trifecta states — where Democrats control both state legislatures and the governorship — have a higher level of unemployment than their Republican counterparts. Democrat trifectas had an average unemployment rate of 11.3%, while Republican trifectas had an average unemployment rate of 7.7%.

Hmmm! Where is the “all in unison” response to this?

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