Aim For Their Pocketbook

From BlazeMedia:

A district court ruled against parents of students in the Montgomery County school district who were demanding to be allowed to opt out of schools teaching LGBTQ propaganda.

The parents, who included many of the Muslim faith, were calling for an injunction ahead of August 28, when school is scheduled to begin again. They were originally allowed to opt out their students until the district changed its policy in March.

This case was in Maryland … Tamar Mahmoud vs Monifa McKay. The district judge in this case was Deborah Boardman, who was recently appointed by Joe Biden. An outrageous ruling by a judge appointed by an outrageous President!

Her ruling is being appealed.

Unfortunately, if these parents are forced to send their children into this hedonistic school, is there any option? Yes! … the parents should aim for the school’s pocketbook.

Schools get reimbursed by the number of students that they educate each day. If the number of students attending is less, then the  reimbursement to the school will be less. Ergo, to me there are two options. Either organize different groups of home schools, or just boycott the school by “being sick” and staying home.

If someone were trying to figure out a way to push school choice, it would seem that angering the parents would be a good first step!
