Again !

Well the Democrats have done it again! By vigorously, openly, and persistently castigating the Georgia legislature for passing some common sense election laws, Democrat Stacy Abrams and her Democratic cronies have cost Atlanta millions of dollars. This is because newly “woke” Major League Baseball has reflexively pulled the 2021 All-Star Game from Atlanta. Democratic President Biden, the “pseudo-uniter,” has made the situation worse by speaking out about something which he apparently knows little. (The Washington Post gave him four-Pinocchios on his comments . . . in other words, he, or whomever told him what to say, lied big time!)

The real problem here is that by lashing out at Georgia, mainly Atlanta and the surrounding area stands to lose millions of tourist dollars.

According to News Staff:

COBB COUNTY, Ga. — The Cobb County Travel and Tourism Bureau estimates that losses from Major League Baseball’s decision to move the All-Star Game out of Atlanta total more than $100 million. Think about this for a second. Who are the real losers here? It certainly is not those Democratic politicians who yell and scream from their comfortable offices, but rather it is the hoi polloi, the common working man in Cobb County, Georgia.

“This event would have directly impacted our county and the state, as visitors spend their dollars on local accommodations, transportation, entertainment and recreation, food and retail throughout the county,” Cobb County Travel and Tourism said. “This would have been a big boost to Cobb businesses and help with recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Who are Democrats actually hurting by dragging the Georgia Legislature over the coals? Let’s actually think for a second:

  • think those who work in hotels . . . “Sorry, no need for you to come in today as our hotel is practically empty.”
  • think those who work in restaurants . . . “Sorry, honey, but you cannot go to the grocery store tomorrow because I did not get any tips today. Hopefully we will have some customers tomorrow.”
  • think taxi drivers . . . “Yah, me too, Joe. Lots of wasted gas, but no riders today. If the All Star Game had come as MLB promised, I could have actually paid my monthly insurance costs.”
  • think those who work at the ballpark . . . “I really miss those extra days of work that we were supposed to get with the All Star Game. I will just have to tell my little one that her new bike will just have to wait till next summer.”

I think everyone gets the idea . . . everyone except the Democrats. One would think after repeatedly doing things that hurt the little guy, that some day in the future those Neanderthals would get the idea!

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