Absurd; Inane; Foolish!

Here are the latest CDC Covid mortality stats:

In case you missed the Fri. nite (9/25/20) news dump from CDC, here are latest survival rates for people who test positive (a tiny fraction to begin with):

age 0-19: 99.997%.

age 20-49: 99.98%.

age 50-69: 99.5%

age 70+: 94.6%.

WTF? After looking at these stats I am confused. The government has basically mandated keeping schools closed, and if a school opens, and heaven forbid one of the students or one of the teachers happens to test positive, all hell breaks loose. The commonest scenario . . . the school is closed to in-person learning. But one should ask, “Why?” If kids less than 19 have a risk of dying that is 0.003%, why in the name of  xxxx (pick your own personal god) are we still keeping kids either at home or learning on line, as opposed to learning in person? The mortality stats for children are worse with influenza, but I do not recall reading about the closing of schools because of the flu! In polite society this would be called “total nonsense.”

Next let’s look at teachers. In 2011-2012 in the US the average age of teachers is 42.4 years(the median age [half above, and half below] is 42 years.) The percent of teachers in the 20-50 years old age group in the US is over 69%, which translates to a mortality risk of 0.02% for over 2/3 of teachers. This also means that on 31% of teachers in the US  are more than 50 years old, and in the age group 50-70, the risk of dying is only 0.5%. I will grant that some teachers are living with elderly parents, some of whom have predisposing risk factors. Only to this group, and those teachers > 50 with risk factors, can I understand a reticence to teach in a live classroom . . .otherwise this whole keep schools closed is “horse-pucky !” 

Speaking of total B.S, today I drove by my local park, and the playgrounds still have the yellow crime scene tape so that young kids cannot use either the swings or the slides(again to appreciate the absurdity of this, look at the risk stats for young children). This is made-up hocus-pocus by someone who is supposed to know best! Nonsense! One of my young granddaughters goes to daycare where their are about ten little children in a relatively small room. How is it that these young children can be inside without masks, but cannot play outside in a playground. Poppy-cock.

I have run out of ways to describe any of this lunacy in nice terms, so I invite you all to call out these idiots using any terms you choose.

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