A Southerner’s Neologism

As background,  a ‘neologism’ is a new word, meaning, usage, or phrase.

The Senator from Louisiana, John Kennedy, often has a unique way with words. He makes statements that are true and often simultaneously amusing. In fact just recently he appears to have coined a new word to describe President Biden’s energy policy. He quipped that Biden and his party’s energy policy is a “moronathon!”

Sen. Kennedy continued,

“President Biden has embraced the woke or berserk wing of the Democrat Party, and woke ideology says we need to get rid of oil and gas in the United States.

“So President Biden has developed a new energy policy and it is this: Instead of producing at a cheaper cost our own oil and gas in America, we’re going to buy oil from foreign countries that hate us — in this case Venezuela — so those foreign countries will have more money to buy weapons to try to kill us. 

Sen. Kennedy added! “It also adds to inflation. This new policy of the president’s results in an increase in the price of oil and natural gas so, when a honeybun costs you $20, you can thank President Biden for that too.”

But let’s be clear, moronathonic-like actions are not limited to Washington.

From Townhall:

JetBlue is coming under fire over the airline’s refusal to hire unvaccinated pilots even as it takes a violent, convicted felon, John Perrys, under its wings. Perrys, a former Air Force captain, remains on felony probation until 2044. 

Daily Wire’s @LukeRosiak tells @TuckerCarlson about his investigation into @JetBlue‘s hiring of a violent felon: “They won’t hire you if you haven’t had the vax. But they did hire John Perrys…The crime he was convicted of was assault with a deadly weapon while wearing a mask.”

“It’s the epitome of woke logic here,” Rosiak said. “Violent criminals are not a safety threat…but what’s a safety threat is not wanting to get a vaccine that doesn’t reliably prevent you from getting or transmitting a disease that pretty much everyone has gotten now anyway.” 

Have “those who know best” at Jet Blue recently visited Washington? … if so, perhaps  moronathonic thinking is contagious!


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