A Response

I realize that many are getting tired of my critiques of Major League Baseball’s woke decision to pull the All-Star Game from predominately black (51% black) Atlanta to overwhelmingly white (9% black) Denver. This woke move by MLB’s commissioner was in response to Georgia’s recent change to its voting laws. A change, let me remind you, that was passed by Georgia’s elected state representatives and Georgia’s duly elected governor. Talk about chutzpah! Why in God’s name would MLB do such a thing? The apparent answer is  . . . “because they can!”

MLB is treated differently than the NFL and the NBA because of a somewhat arbitrary decision by SCOTUS back in 1922. This decision, which has never been subjected to any legislation or executive mandate has in effect created a MLB monopoly. Whereas there have been competing leagues to both the NFL (AFL) and the NBA (remember Julius Erving better known as Dr. J of the Virginia Squires, and the ABA), there has never been a competing league to MLB. Why? 

(Because they can’t!) MLB is a monopoly, no competition is allowed. 

Finally, a response from Washington, err . . . from some Republicans in Washington.

CV NEWS FEED // Sens. Mike Lee, R-UT, Ted Cruz, R-TX, and Josh Hawley, R-MO, called for the revocation of Major League Baseball’s exemption under antitrust law.

The senators’ bill comes after MLB pulled its All-Star game from Georgia in protest against the state’s recently-passed election integrity bill.

“We’re here today to talk about legislation to remove the antitrust exemption that’s long been enjoyed by Major League Baseball,” Lee said at a press conference Tuesday. “It’s important to remember that this exemption was created from whole cloth by the Supreme Court 99 years ago.”

It is interesting to me that the majority of Americans are against MLBs woke decision to “punish” Georgia for something its legislature decided. Unless I missed it, MLB was not elected to anything. 

This will soon lead to an uncomfortable situation for Democrats in the House and the Senate. What will be their response?

Everyone knows that this woke antagonism in Georgia is really all about voter ID laws. Likewise, when polled, the majority of Americans are pro-voter ID and this is what Georgia did in addition to making it easier for voters in Georgia to vote. This is because every time a dead person or a non-citizen votes in an election, the vote of a living citizen is potentially disenfranchised and cancelled out. The Democrats can’t come right out and say that they encourage or even approve of dead people and non-citizens voting so they go to their old favorite . . . it’s racist to require voter IDs (even though Mexico requires a picture ID with a thumb print to vote.) 

So will the Democrats vote on the revocation of MLB’s antitrust status? 

Do they go along with what the majority of the voters think, especially the black voters? [It is the business owners in Atlanta (remember that 30% of businesses in Atlanta have black owners) who were screwed by MLB’s decision to arbitrarily pull the All-Star Game from Atlanta.] Common political sense here would predict that they should go along with what the majority of voters think, but if they do that, they are in essence stabbing MLB in the back . . . “GOOD,” say the majority of Americans. However, in addition, it would be a message to other woke entities to be careful and perhaps rein in their wokeness, as they would realize that they cannot depend on the Dems to back them up.

A dilemma for the Dems!!

I can hardly wait

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