A Recant ?

Yesterday I mocked the response of CNN and the NYT to President  Trump’s speech at Mount Rushmore. They both called it “divisive.” In all honesty, I had admitted that I had not listened to that speech. After being chastised by hundreds or maybe even a thousand readers over the last twenty-four hours, I decided to possibly recant, and perhaps reassess my opinion. I decided that in fairness, I would watch the speech on You-Tube. I did just that, and now I am going to give an honest informed opinion of that 42:25. A recant ?

First of all, it was not a typical Trump campaign speech. He did not mention Joe Biden once! He talked for at least five minutes about each of the four presidents enshrined on the mount just above his head. This was not “rah-rah,” but very complementary toward each of the four. While I was listening to stuff about Lincoln and Roosevelt, I could not understand why CNN/NYT called the speech “divisive.”

He said that attacks on liberty must be stopped, and that he was deploying federal law enforcement to protect our history and to arrest the rioters that were defacing statues. Now here I can understand why this might be viewed as divisive by “left-wing nut jobs!”

President Trump also said, “the American family is the bedrock of American society.” Divisive? . . . only if you are on the side of BLM, that wants to destroy the family.

He also said, “We will stand proud and will only kneel to Almighty God.” Divisive ? . . . only if you are a big fan of Colin K. and the NFL. (BTW, Nike is losing a lot of money this year. Hooray!)

He went through a litany of great American accomplishments and famous Americans from Bob Hope to Louie Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald. Divisive ? . . . I dare CCN/NYT to show me anybody who does not like Hope or Satchmo Armstrong.

He closed by asking all Americans to step-up and defend the integrity of our country. Now, can anyone explain how defending the integrity of our country can be divisive? 

An his final line . . .  “God Bless America!” There are only two groups who would call this last line “divisive” . . . our enemies or the devil! 

To which group does CNN and the NYT  belong?

A recant? . . . Hardly!

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