A Purposeful Omission

I often take my young grandchildren, ages 2 and 4, out for a walk to our neighborhood park. I always point out the American flags that we pass on our walk. Occasionally we will have contests to see who can see the most flags. I will occasionally show them how to salute the flag, as I feel that it is important that they gain respect for the flag early on. 

Speaking of respect for the flag, did anybody watch the most recent Democrat debate? Due to an unforeseen and totally unexpected conflict, I missed it! Pshaw! Double pshaw!! Even though I missed the back and forth of a lot of big winds on the stage, apparently I did not miss the back and forth of American flags on the stage . . . as there were no American flags on the stage. This was a debate to help determine who could possibly be the next President of the U.S.A., and there were no American flags on the stage! Was this just an unfortunate faux pas? So far I have not heard anyone of the Democrats suggest that this was the case, and likewise I have not heard any of the commentators on either MSNBC or CNN even allude to this. Ergo, I can safely conclude that this omission was a purposeful omission . . . a disgraceful omission, but at the same time a very telling omission!

The notable absence of a flag on the stage led me look at the candidates themselves. I sent out inquiring emails, “Does anybody know if any of the candidates at the recent debate had American flags displayed on any of their clothes?” Thus far I have had some catchy, but unprintable responses. However, there have been no reported American flag sightings on the debate stage. I have looked at the pics of all the candidates spread out across the stage (even with a magnifying glass) to try to discover if any of them had an American flag on his/her lapel. So far, the best I can do is to say that Joe Biden definitely had an American flag on the left lapel of his suit coat. Yang was a “maybe” on his right lapel. Bernie had something round on his left lapel, but even with magnification, it did not look like a flag to me. The other seven definitely did not. (Just for grins, I randomly pulled up three pictures of President Trump. In two of these three pics, there was an American flag prominently displayed on his left lapel, and in all three his tie was tied with a Windsor knot.) I will not comment on the hidden meaning of the Windsor knot, but the message conveyed by the absence of American flags by the Dems is pretty clear!

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