A Publix Place

I want to make it clear from the beginning that any similarity to the Georgia situation involving Erica Thomas, Minority Vice Chair, Georgia House of Representatives is purely coincidental.

The other day when out driving with my wife, we noticed a motorist wanting to make a left turn from a non-left turn lane. Unfortunately the recalcitrant female driver was blocking the cars which were now stacked up behind her from going straight. My wife commented, “Wouldn’t it just be better for everyone involved if she admitted that she was in the wrong lane, and drove on straight ahead. It just seems that everyone these days is only thinking about what is better for me, me, me!”

Although we did not witness what happened next, apparently the man in the car behind her opened his door to inform her that she was in the wrong lane. “This lane is only for those that wish to go straight.” She then opened her car door and took a step towards him shouting, “I am nine months pregnant!”

He responded, “Whether you are pregnant or not, this is still not a left turn lane.”

“But I have my nine year old daughter in the car right here next to me!”

Again he responded, “Whether your nine year old daughter is there or not, this is still not a left turn lane.”

“But my husband is in the Army and is stationed overseas!”

“Whether your husband is stationed overseas or not, this is still not a left turn lane.”

After she told him to go back to where he came from, he called her “a lazy bitch” and left.

Apparently later that day she posted a tearful distraught rant on her Facebook page where she threatened to have him arrested for “assault.” She stated that she “feared for her life!” She suggested that he was probably a Trump supporter, even though it later turned out that he had an Obama/Biden bumper sticker on the front and a Clinton bumper sticker on his rear bumper.

“He can’t speak to me like that in a publix place.”

I later heard that there was an actual video of the entire episode as well as subsequent T.V.interviews with them both, and while he continued to remain calm, she continued her melodrama and constantly interrupted him.

While I have formed an opinion of who is right and who is wrong in this situation, at this point, you may be asking me about the color of the skin of the man and the woman.

Actually I did not notice!

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