A Practical Problem

“Vaccine-induced immunity can never be as long-lasting and robust as naturally acquired immunity,” said Lentz-Marino, who taught chemistry and biology classes at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts, for more than 20 years. “The human immune system knows what it’s doing. We are an incredibly successful species. There would not be close to 8 billion people on the planet otherwise.”

This, my friends, is an example of common sense thinking. So why hasn’t the CDC thought about natural immunity in a common sense way. Similarly why hasn’t Dr. Fauci addressed the issue of natural immunity? ( BTW, has everyone noticed that gratefully we are no longer having him forced down our throats.) I think that it all comes down to the practicality of the issue. When you think about the issue of natural immunity to Covid from the position of the CDC, you quickly realize that the CDC has a big practical problem. At this stage of the game, it would be close to impossible for the CDC to resort to common sense, despite a near avalanche of information. 

There are recent studies that appear to confirm the benefit of natural immunity … from the Epoch Times:

-An Israeli study found that people who were vaccinated who hadn’t been previously infected were 6 to 13 times more likely to get infected with COVID-19 than unvaccinated people who had already had the illness.

-Another study, however, suggests that the chances of reinfection are even lower than 1 in 1,000. Cleveland Clinic scientists who examined a cohort of 52,238 employees found no cases of reinfectionamong unvaccinated people with evidence of prior SARS-Co-V-2 infections.

-Other recent data also suggests that natural immunity is long-lasting. A study from Finland published in September in the European Journal of Immunology found that in COVID-recovered patients protection against reinfection persisted for over a year.

Think of all the issues that could have been avoided if from the beginning the CDC said the following:

“Those who have had the vaccine(s), keep a copy of your vaccination data. Likewise, those who have had a documented Covid infection, keep a copy of your documented positive Covid test result.”

Think of all of the issues that could have been avoided if the CDC, and Dr. Fauci had taken this practical and common-sensical approach from the beginning. How many of the “anti-vaccers” are such, because they have already had Covid? How many people have been fired from their jobs because they would not submit to a vaccine that they didn’t need?

Practically speaking, does anyone think that Fauci or the CDC will ever reach this common sense resolution?


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