A Practical Consideration

In September, 2020 when a local college was starting back, the local Karens were complaining that the college kids were out at night … gathering outside in their neighborhoods. Now granted these Karens could have had some reason for concern because mostly they were not young like the “gathering” college kids. However, back then I stated that the colleges reflexively were taking the wrong approach as they cancelled  in person classes in addition to isolating Covid positive students quarantining them to their rooms. To my way of thinking, since college students were, and still are, at very low risk from Covid, why not let these young college students spread Covid amongst themselves. Anyway that’s past history, and now that same local college is back again to online classes.

I am bringing this up now because something similar is happening with college basketball. Games are being cancelled because Covid (most likely Omicron) is slowly weaving it’s way through the rosters of certain teams. These teams are either having to cancel games because they do not have the minimum number of players necessary, or they are having to play games without  a variable number of starting players because they are on a quarantine status.

Similar to college students in general back in the fall of 2020, would it not make more sense to get everybody on the team infected with Omicron at the same time. This way, a few games would be cancelled, and then the entire team would be available, all at once, once their quarantine time had ended. In a practical sense, would it not be better to have all the individual members of a team on quarantine now, rather than risk that a star player would get Covid at tournament time?


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