A Plan To Buy an E.V.

Joe Biden has just announced a proposal to eliminate the Federal gasoline tax (18.4 cents per gallon) for three months. If Congress goes along with this proposal, the elimination of the Federal gas tax would probably go into effect in the next month or so. If that’s the case, this tax holiday would end just before the November mid-term elections, and a chance for losers running for office to vote to extend it. This sort of timing obviously could either be a benefit or be a curse to the Democrats running in November. Granted the timing would not effect the votes cast by dead Americans or by those with Alzheimer’s in nursing homes, but it could play a role in the voting of the millions of Americans who have to drive to work every day.

Rather than typically being a downer on everything that our numb-nuts President says or does, I have figured out a good thing about this temporary reprieve of the Federal gas tax. … It could be a way to help everyday Americans save toward the purchase of an electronic vehicle (E.V.). With some basic calculations perhaps you might realize that J.B. is not so dumb after all!

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Let’s say that the average American, who drives back and forth to work every day, gets 25 miles/gal. If he puts in 10 gallons per week that means that in an average week he will be saving $1.84 (10 X $0.184 = $1.84). Therefore after 3 months (13 weeks) he will have saved a total of $23.92. [Unfortunately, if that individual American either lives closer to work or gets more than 25 ml/gal, he will not save as much over these 3 months.] 

If that frugal individual were to save that $23.92 and put it totally toward the future purchase of an electric vehicle (E.V.), eventually, with interest, he could possibly use this saved money to buy an E.V.  … perhaps for his great, great, great grandchild. So, there you see, Joe Biden is not so dumb after all!

If this gas tax holiday were to continue until the end of Biden’s four year term that individual could have saved a total of $239.2. (~130 weeks x $1.84/wk. = $239.2). With the addition of earned interest, that individual possibly could potentially purchase an E.V. before our present Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, is in his grave in South Bend, Indiana … err, that is if he lives to >150! Admittedly the math becomes too complicated, but the point is that J.B. is not really so dumb after all!



132 Replies to “A Plan To Buy an E.V.”

  1. You should go to a car dealer and test drive an electric car. They are fun to drive.
    An ICE is a Rube-Goldberg machine. An incredibly sophisticated one but none the less a Rube Goldberg. It requires pistons, rings, timing belts, a cam shaft, crankshaft, multiple valves, lubricating oil, a dive shaft, complex transmission, a reliable cooling system, air filter and on and on to harness the energy of multiple internal explosions per second.
    You probably still own the first electric drill you bought.
    AGREE THE GOVT SHOULD HAVE STAYED OUT OF IT. Progress will find it’s way.

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