A Non-Sycophantic Pitching Change

On Thursday morning I thought, “Finally, I disagree with Trump!” After almost three years during which I have agreed with just about everything President Trump has done, finally some separation. (Note carefully that I am referring to the things that he has accomplished . . . not to his always “in your face” demeanor, not to all of his tweets, not to all of his personal insults.) Finally proof that I am not merely a Trump-sycophant. 

I had thoughtfully considered both sides of the Turkey-Kurd issue, and our President’s decision to withdraw American troops from the area. I pondered, “Why are we turning our back on our friends, the Kurds?” I found myself agreeing with both Republicans and Democrats who felt strongly that President Trump was doing the wrong thing. 

On that same Thursday evening I was watching the end of the Tampa Bay vs. Houston baseball playoff game. When there was a pitching change in the eighth inning of a now 6-1 game, I did a little channel surfing and ended up on Fox’s coverage of President Trump’s speech in Minneapolis. 

Lo and behold, he was talking about his recent Turkey-Kurd decision, and why he decided what he did. He described his visits to Walter Reed, specifically the visit the Friday before, when he pinned five Purple Heart Medals on five wounded soldiers, each with his own life-changing severe injuries. He described witnessing the grief of families as they received the remains of their son/daughter . . . killed, fighting for America on his watch. 

Okay, call me gullible, but I could feel our President’s pain. He is the Commander-in-Chief, and he actually goes and welcomes the remains of deceased American soldiers back onto American soil . . . different from a prior,  in name only “Commander-in-Chief.”

I found the non-sycophant side of my split personality wavering. There must be somebody who can verbalize another position on this issue. I found Kurt Schlichter’s article on Townhall, and after reading it more than once, I found myself agreeing with his pro-Trump position.

From Townhall: 

“Donald Trump came into office promising to not start any new wars and to get us out of the old ones our feckless elite had dragged us into, and now that he’s doing it in Syria the usual suspects are outraged. How dare he actually deliver on his promise not to have anymore of our precious warriors shipped home in boxes after getting killed on battlefields we can’t even pronounce, while refereeing conflicts that began long before America was a thing, in campaigns without any kind of coherent objective?”

Schlichter continued for another few pages, but I was actually convinced by the time the pitching change had been completed in the baseball game. 

“Now pitching on the side of the American soldier . . . Donald Trump!”

Another campaign promise fulfilled.

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