A Modicum of Intelligence

One would expect judges would at least have modicum of intelligence or at least a modicum of common sense. And furthermore this should hold true in spades when one is talking about a Supreme Court Justice. We are all aware that certain Justices have a liberal bent and that others have a conservative tendency. Perhaps naively, I had assumed that all of the Justices, at least, enter each case with an open mind … that was before I read some of the statements made during the 1/7/22 hearing about the constitutionality of President Joe Biden’s Wuhan coronavirus vaccine mandates for private companies with more than 100 employees.

For instance:

During questioning, liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor made a number of false statements about the vaccine’s ability to prevent transmission of the virus. While it may protect against death or hospitalization, the vaccine does not prevent transmission. (Speaking about vaccines CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in an interview with CNN over the summer, “But what they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”)

But Justice Sotomayor wasn’t finished proving that she was not the smartest person in the room, when she falsely claimed the Omicron variant of the virus is just as deadly as the previous Delta version. (Everyone who can read realizes that this is blatantly false back from omicron’s beginning in South Africa.)

Subsequently Justice Sotomayor went for the trifecta when she said, “We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition, and many on ventilators.” (According to the data from the CDC, children are still at little risk for serious illness or death from the disease. The current national pediatric COVID census per HHS is 3,342.)

Not to be outdone:

Justice Breyer said there were 750 million new cases yesterday. (Considering that there are about 330 million people in the U.S, Breyer’s inane statement would imply that each person in the U.S had it twice!)

Come on, SCOTUS! Is it too much to expect even a modicum of intelligence from you?


119 Replies to “A Modicum of Intelligence”

  1. These liberal justices must be watching CNN and MSNBC, and that in itself shows lack of intelligence.

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