A Good Leader

What does it take to be a good leader? First off, I think that you have to stick up for those that are under your wing, so to speak. Also it is tantamount that a good leader have the best interests of those depending on him foremost in his mind. Should we call Capt. Brett Crozier, the ex-commander of the air-craft carrier, Theodore Roosevelt, a good leader? Certainly he did break protocol by distributing a memo about the outbreak of the coronavirus on his ship. But why did he do that? To my way of thinking, he did it because he was looking out for those on his ship . . . not his own interest, but the well being of those under his command. He knew that he was going to get his ass chewed, and perhaps lose him command, but he went off the high dive anyway. Hooray for him!

What else does it take to be a good leader? To me, a good leader needs to listen to those who have expertise in areas where he doesn’t. Let’s say that a leader does not have experience in the military, then a good leader will listen to those who have that experience. He may not always agree with what a military-man says, but he will listen. The ultimate decisions will be his. As Harry Truman’s said, “The buck stops here!”

But finally a good leader must be decisive. He cannot pity-pat around. Review the facts. Consider the options, and then act DECISIVELY, as those who are depending on your decision want a good leader to be decisive. Will a good leader always be right? Hell no!

(For those of you who often read what I write, you know what’s coming!)

With this coronavirus pandemic, President Trump is looking out for the health of all Americans, with the emphasis on ALL. He is constantly seeking the advice of those who are the medical experts, and thus far, he is following their advice. Lastly he is. decisive. President Trump May be accused of a lot of things, but indecisiveness is not one of those things.

Luckily, in this time of dramatic turmoil, America is presently blessed with a very good leader – Donald Trump

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