A Different Meaning in Washington

The main news on July 4th from Washington came from Washington D.C. where BLM “protestors” stomped on the American flag before setting in on fire. These “peaceful protestors” then blocked traffic leading out of the city going into Virginia. Do the words, “peaceful protests” have another meaning in D.C.? 

On the following day, the headline in my local paper read : “Coronavirus Casts Pall Over Fourth Festivities.” I did not see any news in that same local paper reporting that “BLM Protests Cast Pall Over Fourth Festivities!” . . . Hmmm! (I hope that all of those thousands from Virginia who were delayed by these “protests” vote for the candidate who is “anti-BLM.”)

There was, however, some interesting news out of the “other Washington” – the State of Washington, where a man was brought to the downtown jail in Spokane by ambulance on July 1, after Spokane Regional Health District Health Officer Dr. Bob Lutz determined the man was a threat to the community. What was this man’s offense? Apparently he “refused to cooperate with voluntary isolation instructions.” (I guess the word, “voluntary” must have a different meaning in Washington State!) Yikes!

Other interesting news out of that “other Washington” is from the University of Washington in Seattle. (Yes, that same Seattle that allowed BLAZ to exist for about a week.)

The school said on July 3rd that it had confirmed that a total of 93 students, including 89 fraternity residents, tested positive for the corona virus. As of 7/5 that number is up to 117, in 15 fraternity houses. School officials said they are still collecting and verifying the status of cases — and that there may be more than what has been reported. (“there may be more than what has been reported!!!” . . . do these school officials think that these frat parties are limited to only those who live in frat houses?)

Oops, and this in a state with “mandatory mask wearing when outside!” (I guess the word, “mandatory” must have a different meaning in Washington State!)

BTW: Is it possible that these college students knew that they were exposing themselves to Covid-19? Could they have done it on purpose? 

(FYI: A  purposeful exposure to the coronavirus by college students sounds eerily similar to what the college students chose to do in my new book.)

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