A Deserved Pat On My Back

On 6/4/2022 I wrote the following in my blog:
“In general, it is always easier to preemptively do something to avoid a problem rather that trying to fix that same problem once it it already on the scene and picking up steam.”
Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, depending on which side of the bed you get up on in the morning … right vs. left, the Dems do not read my blogs, and so they now have a “Houston, we’ve got a problem” problem.
Here I am referring to that “Joe Biden problem.” Like with the hurricane, Beryl, the storm surge got worse and worse for Biden’s candidacy, as an increasing number of Democrats are bailing on poor J.B. (Even Adam Schiff on Sunday’s Meet The Press said that Joe Biden and Donald Trump should both take a cognitive test. If I were Trump, I would agree to this, but only after both conventions !)
Now, even Hollywood is turning against Joe! Lifelong Democrat and mega-donor, George Clooney, on 7/10/24 penned an op-ed in the NYT, saying that J.B. cannot win.
However, at this point Biden is not amenable either to dropping out of the race or to resigning from the presidency. Resigning now would give Kamala better odds against Trump as she would then be running as the incumbent in the November election. However, this will not happen, as practically speaking if Joe resigns, effective immediately, then how is he going to pardon his son, Hunter? It would be better for Joe and for Hunter if Joe just decides to step aside and not run for another term. By doing this he can delay Hunter Biden’s pardon until the last minute, just prior to the official end of his present term. Let’s be clear here, Joe’s promise not to pardon his son will hold up about as well as an old helium balloon.
My prediction is that Joe will soon decide not to run “for the good of the country.” If he decides not to run then the sticky problem of how to deal with the thousands of delegates that Biden won in the primaries will be resolved prior to the convention.
Not to pat myself on the back, but in my blog of 6/26/24 I wrote that the reason for the extremely early date, 6/27/24, for the first debate was to give the Dems seven weeks figure what to do if Biden did not do well in that debate. And despite the fact that a decreasing number of Dems are saying that J.B. is still their candidate, the dam is starting to crumble. What they didn’t count on was the stubbornness of both Joe and Jill!
