A Change, a Curve, and Screwballs

After looking at the title of this piece, one might assume that is about a baseball pitcher’s varying armamentaria of different pitches. But from a contrarian, you should not expect a fastball right down the middle.

First off the  South African doctor who first alerted the scientific community to a new SARS-CoV-2 — B.1.1.529, which the World Health Organization has dubbed “Omicron” — has described symptoms of the variant as “unusual, but mild.”

Similarly from the New York Times:

“Omicron seems likely to be more contagious than Delta, including among vaccinated people. Fortunately, the evidence so far does not indicate that Omicron is causing more severe illness.

Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, a top health official in Israel, emphasized yesterday that when vaccinated people were infected, they became only slightly ill, according to the publication Haaretz.”

From the Washington Times:

“New York Gov. Kathy Hochul will halt non-urgent, elective surgeries in the state amid an expected upcoming spike in the new Omicron COVID-19 variant.

Mrs. Hochul signed an executive order in hopes of preventing hospital staff shortages over an anticipated rise in cases. ‘While the new Omicron variant has just been detected (5 cases) in New York State, it’s coming,’ Ms.. Hochul said.”

To me it is peculiar that the New York Governor apparently is concerned about hospital shortages with the omicron variant, but is not concerned about hospital shortages that will possibly be an issue if a vaccine mandate is enforced.

Not to be outdone:

“The official Twitter account for President Biden issued a statement:

The @WHO has identified a new COVID variant which is spreading through Southern Africa. As a precautionary measure until we have more information, I am ordering air travel restrictions from South Africa and seven other countries. As we move forward, we will continue to be guided by what the science and my medical team advises.”

However, it’s difficult to overlook the hypocrisy of Joe and his Democratic cronies.

On Jan. 31, 2020, then-President Donald Trump declared a public health emergency in response to the global COVID-19 outbreak and temporarily suspended the entry of travelers from China. A day later, then-candidate Biden responded by saying Trump was xenophobic, “We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.”

In January 2020, when Trump added new immigration restrictions on six African and Asian countries — Nigeria, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, Eritrea, Sudan, and Tanzania — Democrats claimed the policy was “driven by hate.”

Biden tweeted, “Trump further diminished the U.S. in the eyes of the world by expanding his travel ban. This new ‘African Ban,’ is designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the United States. It’s a disgrace, and we cannot let him succeed.”

Kamala Harris responded by saying, “Trump’s extended un-American travel ban undermines our nation’s core values. It is clearly driven by hate, not security.”

At the time, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued a statement, claiming Trump’s immigration policy “undermined our Constitution” and was “bigoted.”

A change-up, a curve, and a screwball … which is which? You can decide, but it is clear to me that you spell hypocrisy … D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T!



145 Replies to “A Change, a Curve, and Screwballs”

  1. קמגרה תשדרג לכם את חיי המין ותאפשר לכם הנאה מרבית מהאקט. לטבע פלז’ר שלל פתרונות טבעיים נוספים שישדרגו לכם את חדר המיטות. קמגרה תשדרג לכם את חיי המין ותאפשר לכם הנאה מרבית מהאקט. לטבע פלז’ר שלל פתרונות טבעיים נוספים שישדרגו לכם את חדר המיטות. נערות ליווי לביתך

  2. קמגרה תשדרג לכם את חיי המין ותאפשר לכם הנאה מרבית מהאקט. לטבע פלז’ר שלל פתרונות טבעיים נוספים שישדרגו לכם את חדר המיטות. קמגרה תשדרג לכם את חיי המין ותאפשר לכם הנאה מרבית מהאקט. לטבע פלז’ר שלל פתרונות טבעיים נוספים שישדרגו לכם את חדר המיטות. שרות ליווי

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