A Blast From the Past II

I found one of my pieces from over two years ago, and it only goes to demonstrate how two-faced “those in the know” were.

An Interesting Dichotomy

Another episode in the “mask, no mask” story is evolving under our very noses (or perhaps when discussing masks, we should rather say, “over our very noses!”). As background we have been told by “those in the know” that the wearing of face masks is very important from a public health perspective, as this is the way to prevent further spread of Covid-19. Last week, before the rioting (for those more P.C. . . . protesting), the headlines and the news were all about Covid-19. One preaching letter to the editor went so far as to castigate anyone not wearing a mask while outside; as that should be viewed as acting detrimental to the good of society. (As it was only a letter, without an accompanying picture, I could not see how high her pulpit was! Perhaps she was the son  daughter of a preacher man!)

Now the leading news story is the protests throughout the country. BTW: I have no problem with peaceful protests. I would go so far as to encourage  peaceful protests, with the exception of those protests that block traffic, especially those that block highways. (“You have a right and are free to protest as long as you do not restrict my freedom.” – I just made that up! . . . sounds pretty good, heh?)

As far as protesting and masks, I have no trouble agreeing with the silent protestors not wearing masks, as with no speaking, the potential virus cannot travel very far. However, the shouting protestors without masks should be a big no-no, because, as we all should now be aware, shouting significantly expels more virus and for a longer distance. . . . e.g. meatpacking plants.   [BTW: I have been looking for a letter from “Mrs. Preacher” concerning protesters not wearing masks … but I have yet to anything from her or anybody else for that manner.]

In today’s paper, the region’s public health officer. Dr. Wilma Wooten,  commented that there is no public health crystal ball that shows a clear picture of whether or not protests will cause a Covid surge. 

Really, Wilma! Would it not have been better to say something like, “although we have no studies on the effects of loud protests and the spread of Covid, it is highly likely that we will see an increase in Covid cases over the next few weeks. From a public health standpoint, I would strongly suggest that all protesters wear masks.”

If we do not see an increase, then perhaps Dr. Wooten could suggest that based on this “protest experiment,” all businesses should open up, and no further masks should be required when outside.”


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