A.A. ; Times They Are a Changin’

In my book I have a piece entitled “How Trump Won.” This was not meant to be a rah-rah, get out and vote for Mr. Trump essay as it was written after the election of 2016. It was meant to be a thoughtful reflection of “How in the heck did this happen?” For those of you who are non-political, I would advocate that you read that piece and tell me where I was wrong. For those of you who are anti-Trump, perhaps it would be best that you not read that piece, as you may realize where to focus your attention in 2020.

One of the points that I made had to do with predominately African-American parents that had kids in failing inner city schools. Trump’s basic message for them was “ Vote for me. What do you have to lose?” I do not think that many African Americans voted for Trump, but today I thought about African-Americans voters when I read some amazing statistics.

A new Rasmussen poll shows that Trump has 36% approval among African American voters, making it nearly double the 19% of support he had last year. Of course, the Mainstream Media (MSM) would have you believe the exact opposite, but the numbers don’t lie – Trump has achieved success among African Americans. Why? To paraphrase: “It’s the economy, stupid!”

Digest the following amazing numbers:

Under President Obama, from 2009 to 2015 the incomes of black Americans fell by more than $900 per family, adjusted for inflation. According to Sentier Research, when President Obama left office the median household income for all Americans was $58,056. Under President Trump, the rising tide of median household incomes rose to $62,175 by June – a jump of more than $4,000. And income for black Americans has been lifted as well.

Under President Trump, black employment has grown by an average of nearly 40,000 each month. In January 2017, the black unemployment rate stood at 7.8 percent. It’s now at 6.6 percent. The number of black Americans with a job has risen by 708,000 from last year. Not only are black wages and incomes up since the election of Donald Trump – black employment has repeatedly hit historic highs.

According to the Minority 2018 Small Business Trends Survey, the number of black-owned small businesses has increased by a whopping 400% between 2017 and 2018.

When people have jobs, and their income is going up, typically they are satisfied with those that are in charge. This no different if you are black, white, or green! True, I didn’t foresee the potential improvement in the lives of African Americans because of the surging economy, but if I had, it would have been another point  in “How Trump Won.”

To be honest, I did not start out this essay with the intention of plugging my book, but . . . .  “what the heck!”

The Quirky Contrarian” can be purchased on Amazon!

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