What Do You Have To Lose ?

In an article entitled “How Trump Won,” written a few days after the 2016 election, the author surmised that a bunch of small voter groups coalesced into a large group that pushed Trump over the top. One of these small groups was comprised of “parents of inner-city children (predominately African-American) who had a choice to make – either to continue the present situation with their failing inner-city schools, dooming their children to a life of poverty and/or crime, or to hope that someone would take a stand on their behalf.” . . . “Mr. Trump’s message to these beleaguered parents was ‘What do you have to lose’?”

In the 2016 election Trump claimed 8 percent of the black vote compared to Romney, the previous Republican nominee’s 6 percent in 2012. This increase of 2% is a small increase, but it represented an increase in a group that no one expected. Will the same thing happen with inner-city black voters as a result of the recent “Elijah affair?” Everyone who is honest has to admit that the country is failing the inner cities and more specifically those who live in these inner-cities, e.g. Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago, Los Angeles, Memphis, Baltimore, etc. As we all now know, Baltimore is the city that Elijah Cummings “represents.”

 Mr. Cummings made a major boo-boo – he pissed off The Donald, and whether President Trump’s anger toward Elijah Cummings was misdirected or not is irrelevant at this point, as the plight of the residents (predominately African-American) who live in his Baltimore district is now national news. Listening to the comments of these poor unfortunate people is heart wrenching! The filth, the trash, the crime, and the rats – awful!

At this point I would ask the predominately black inner-city residents of Baltimore, and by extension those that live in the other failing inner-cities, “Do you want to continue the present situation, or do you hope that someone would take a stand on your behalf?”  Is Donald Trump that someone?  “What do you have to lose?”
BTW: “How Trump Won” was included in my book, “The Quirky Contrarian.”

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