A Doppelgänger Across the Pond ?

The other day I read an interesting article in the weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal. Next to the first paragraph was a picture of a politician with blondish hair, dressed in a dark suit, talking with and giving the thumbs-up sign to an older gentleman. A line in the initial paragraph read as follows: A statesman once opined, “Never trust people who lead a one-dimensional political life. They are dull and dangerous.” Immediately an image of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi popped into my head. The gentleman about whom the article was written is obviously not dull and obviously not one-dimensional. The tip-off that this was not about Donald Trump was that in the accompanying picture his tie was not tied in a Windsor knot.

This particular article article was about Boris Johnson, who is the favorite to be the next leader of the British Conservative Party and the prime minister of the U.K. I do not pretend to be knowledgeable about the politics in the U.K., but many of the lines in the article referring to Mr. Johnson could easily have been written, referring to Mr. Trump.

-He has been married and divorced in the past, and the woman that he is living with is      considerably younger than him.

-Mr. Johnson is a bit eccentric and has an unusual hobby. (I assume that his Twitter    use could be considered an unusual hobby for Mr. Trump.)

– “Britain is in the grip of Boris Neurosis. It is a psychological condition much like the     Trump Derangement Syndrome that has about half of the populace in paroxysms of fear and loathing – the metropolitan, cultural, media and academic elites in     particular.”

– “Every hour of every day on the BBC and elsewhere in the main U.K.media someone      seems to be expressing revulsion at the personality of Mr. Johnson and his utter      unsuitability for high office.” (Substitute CNN and U.S. mainstream media for BBC     and main U.K media)

– Mr. Johnson’s wit and charisma are widely liked outside the BBC-Westminster    bubble. (Again substitute CNN/MSNBC-Washington bubble.)

To sum it up, it appears that Boris Johnson speaks the language of the people as does President Trump!

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