Informed Decisions

“I want to listen to all the townhalls so that I can make an informed decision on who to vote for based on who has the best ideas for the country,” said one of our far left friends with whom we had we had dinner last week.

At that point I started to taste a bit of blood. (In these mixed groups my wife and I typically go overboard trying to avoid anything that could potentially leave the door ajar to political discussions. Inevitably lefties always sneak some snide comments into the otherwise pleasant neutral conversation, and usually that is when I can feel the blood at the corners of my mouth . . . from biting my tongue.)

From my perspective there were at least three major things wrong with her statement. First: The candidate that I am going to vote for won’t be participating in any of the Democrat townhalls, and furthermore since I do not listen to either CNN or MSNBC, I will not be watching the losers. After all with twenty potential Democratic candidates, at least 18 of them will be losers whose sole purpose will be to drag the group further leftward, as they will be increasingly desperate.
Second: A lot of what these potential candidates say in these townhalls will never happen. Whether they actually believe what they are saying is somewhat irrelevant, as even if they were elected, they could not and they would not be able to fulfill some of these promises . . . almost like that famous 1960s commercial, “Promise them anything, but give them Arpege!” For me I am going to vote for the guy who doesn’t have to promise things that are out in left field. He has a track record of making promises and fulfilling them! I will be making an informed decision based on the experiences of the last few years.
Third: This Democrat contest is going to be a contest of leftward one-up-manship. In other words who can position him/herself the farthest to the left. They are already starting: Warren-free college and forgiveness of student debt; Sanders-prisoners, even death row prisoners voting; Booker-some sort of payoff to black citizens for slavery; Harris-“we need to raise taxes on the middle class and force workers into unions.” 

A far left liberal cannot win swing states and cannot win over independent voters who will likewise be making informed decisions. I think we should encourage every Democrat wanna-be to  veer away from the middle, the further away and to the left, the better!

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