“It’s Time To Pick a Side!”

The other morning I listened to a 10/12/24 speech at Coachella, CA by the Hollywood movie star, Dennis Quaid. It was relatively short, to the point,and involved a whole lot of what seems to be lacking these days … common sense. I would heartily recommend that all listen to it. He compared the 2024 election to that in 1980. Back in 1980 we had rampant inflation, hostages in Iran, and they told us we were a national in decline.
It was then that Ronald Reagan asked the critical question: “Are you better off than you were four years ago?”
Quaid compared inflation rates, energy independence, peace in the Middle East, Iran, Afghanistan, and security on the border– each point as compelling as the next, and the comparison between Trump and Biden’s administrations was damning.
Quaid’s speech covered many topics quickly, and each one could have been its own headliner. Talk like this reminds us just how effective Trump’s policies were in so many different areas at once– and that’s how it should be.

Quaid asked, “Are we gonna be a nation of law and order? Or wide open borders. Which is it? Because it’s time to pick a side.”
America needs a president who can run this country efficiently and cause it to prosper in every way. As Quaid so effectively communicated, that president is Trump, and Americans need to make the decision.
BTW:Most Americans in 2024 would answer Reagan’s 1980 question by unequivocally stating, “No, I am not better off than I was four years ago.”
Case closed!
