Legal ?

The next time you have a chance, think about what has happened in Springfield, Ohio. Forget about the eating/non-eating of certain animals, or the potential voodoo involved, and concentrate on the real problem. How did these thousands of Haitian immigrants find their way to Springfield, Ohio? For those of you not geographically inclined, one cannot walk from Haiti to Ohio. They could have only “escaped” Haiti by sea or by air, and then they needed to land somewhere so that they could make their way to Springfield. While not impossible, it is extremely unlikely that these thousands of Haitians coincidentally all crossed into the US via our southern border, and then by serendipity all found their way to this medium sized town in Ohio.
It is much more likely that these Haitians were flown to somewhere relatively close to Springfield, and then bussed into the Springfield.
To me there are a few critical questions:
Who arranged for the presumed air/bus transportation out of Haiti and into the town of Springfield? And who paid for it?
Was Ohio Governor Mike DeWine aware of what was happening to Springfield? … or worse, did he play a pivotal role in arranging for this to happen?
Finally, were the residents of Springfield, Ohio consulted?

I have heard that Gov. DeWine has a special place in his heart for the people of Haiti, and while that is nice, if he was involved, other crucial questions arise. Who paid for all of this? Did he arbitrarily choose the town of Springfield, or was there something else that contributed to this location?
Whoever arranged for these thousands of Haitians to descend on Springfield didn’t use much forethought to enable them to adapt to the town or to have the town adapt to them. Did anyone arrange to have them learn English? Did anybody arrange for them to learn how to drive properly … BTW how did they get driver’s licenses? Were they tested? English or French?
How could the Haitians afford cars? Were they given cars? Who paid for them?
Was the effect on the local schools taken into account?
Was the effect on the health of the locals taken into consideration?
And for me the most important question : Were the people of Springfield aware of what was happening? Were the people of Springfield, or their reps, consulted?

Much much more needs to come out on the background of what led to this disaster for the people of Springfield, Ohio. Is the transporting of thousands of illegals from Haiti to Ohio legal? … Even for a Governor, or a President, or a Vice President?