Homeless School Children

Once again the Democrats, specifically Joe Biden and his inflation, is taking its toll on those who can least afford it.
From the San Diego Union on 7/1/24 Tribune by Kristin Taketa:
“More than 6,400 students enrolled in San Diego Unified this past school year were considered homeless — and that number is likely an undercount. Homelessness takes different forms, and it could mean students and their families are living in a shelter, in a vehicle or doubled up in somebody else’s home.”

How many these 6,400 are children of illegal immigrants? Although I read and then reread the newspaper article more than once, I can find no mention of the legal/illegal status of these families/children. Then I emailed the article’s author and asked her that specific question … after more than a month, still no response!
Is this problem an offshoot of Joe Biden’s open border policy or Joe Biden’s inflation? Either way how does President Biden or the Democratic California governor, Gavin Newsom, propose that this problem be solved? … all is quiet on this western front!

San Diego school board Trustee Richard Barrera thinks that schools have a responsibility to help students whose families who are experiencing homelessness in particular, because schools are often the most stable place in a student’s life, Barrera further said, “School staff may be better able to help families because they have developed trust with families that other government agencies may not share.”
“And it’s critical for schools to address poverty issues such as homelessness, because they often prevent students from being able to attend school at all.
“The issue of homelessness is obviously something that is growing in San Diego, and schools can’t simply bury their heads in the sand and not pay attention to the issues that students are dealing with outside of school,” Barrera said.

I do not have a problem with providing some form of protected shelter for these children so that they can attend school, but the question has to do with who is paying for the expected expenses of these children/families? To my way of thinking, it should be the federal government or the state government, and not the local school districts.
