Let’s Be Clear

Once again as I often do, let’s start out with “let’s be clear.”
Right now since we are in the Kamala honeymoon period, let’s be clear that we should be announcing that Kamala Harris is a San Francisco radical leftist. According to GovTrac, her Senate voting record is more liberal than Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Socialist from Vermont.
What are some of her actual policies?
In the past she has called the 16-24 age group … “stupid,” while at the same time advocating that sixteen year olds be allowed to vote.
She wants to decriminalize the illegal crossing of our border, while advocating for legal representation and health care for illegals. These opinions while being the “border czar” and yet never getting close to the actual border!
She was all-in for cancelling the Keystone Pipeline, and was also all-in when it came to cancelling offshore drilling and fracking! Kamala, where is our energy going to come from?
Likewise she is all-in for EV-school buses even though they have been proven to be unreliable and expensive.
I could go on about her wanting to ban plastic straws and the consumption of red meat, but at this point, I think that everyone gets the idea.
To me when someone says that no logical person could be this far off base, Kamala Harris immediately pops into my head.
As far as foreign policy is concerned the fact that she chose to speak to a sorority instead of attending Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress says it all.
Let’s be clear … Kamala Harris is a left wing nut-job!
