Which Is the Real Greenland?

NATO, on its 75th anniversary, has just published a Climate Change and Security Impact Assessment, which includes the following statement about the Greenland ice cap … “The Greenland ice cap is losing an average of 30 tonnes of ice an hour, which is 20% more than previously thought.”
To someone who is not familiar with the Greenland ice cap this sounds disastrous … if true! It is possible that this assessment is an exaggeration or perhaps even a falsification of what is happening with the Greenland ice cap?

From a wattsupwiththat article on 7/10/24 by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley in response to this NATO assessment:
“Well, 30 tonnes of ice an hour is little more than 250,000 tons a year, which is negligible, and well within natural variability. It is also probably untrue, because ice has been accumulating on the high Greenland Plateau: so much so that the old DEW-line ICBM detection stations from the Cold War are no longer on the surface of the ice but 20-30 feet below it. There has been some loss of ice on the coastal plain and in the surrounding sea, but evidence from old whaling records and from the early history of Greenland’s settlement by Leif Eriksen shows there was less ice in Greenland during the medieval warm period than there is today. For instance, the Viking burial-ground near Hvalsey is under permafrost today, but it was not under permafrost when the Vikings buried their dead.”

It certainly seems that the Greenland ice cap is increasing and not decreasing. Who to believe?