The First Round Went To …

Last night I watched the entire debate from stem to stern, and did not watch any of the post-debate hoopla.
First, I must say that CNN did an admirable job with the questions as well as with the general format. In addition, I would add that each of the candidates did an admirable job of not answering the questions that were asked. To me the entire debate came down to speech clarity, body language, and facial expression.
Right from the beginning how each one approached the podium was somewhat of an indicator of how the night was going to go. Joe Biden shuffled on to the stage with what I would call an “old man’s gait,” while Donald Trump briskly walked to his podium.
Many times during the debate Joe Biden looked like a deer caught in headlights … looking dazed, standing immobile without facial expression, while blankly staring straight ahead. Even though Donald Trump smirked a few times, for the most part he appeared to be in control of his emotions, and was focused on what President Biden was saying. The threat to Trump was that he would be nasty and condescending … neither of which he was. On the other hand President Biden appeared to lose his temper and raise his voice a few times … not very presidential.
Donald Trump spoke clearly and at an even pace, whereas Joe Biden often spoke rapidly and more than a few times seemingly slurred his words, enough so that I could not understand what he was saying. Biden also got confused occasionally with numbers … “millions, err billions” … “billions, err trillions.”
Finally, in my opinion, the tipping point … the thing that gave Trump the victory … was his tie – tied in a Windsor knot, whereas Biden’s tie was in a hackneyed half-Windsor.
In conclusion, the first round went to … DJT.