
Right on schedule two bombshells right before the midterm elections. The difference this year is that one is a conservative report and one is from a notorious liberal source.

First from Fox News:

“House Republicans released a new report on 11/4/22 detailing whistleblower allegations of FBI misconduct and politicization at the highest levels of the Department of Justice.

‘The Federal Bureau of Investigation, under the stewardship of Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, is broken,’ the GOP report states. ‘The problem lies not with the majority of front-line agents who serve our country, but with the FBI’s politicized bureaucracy.’”

Anyone who has been paying attention or reading my blogs have  been aware that targeting of conservative everyday Americans has been occurring. To me the shocking part is the amount of the behind the scenes corruption, as this Republican report is upwards to 1,000 pages! …  not ten pages … not one hundred pages, but one thousand pages! Think of how many whistleblowers must have been interviewed. Consider how many more whistleblowers are out there – let the avalanche begin.

Still from Fox News:

“Some allegations suggest that the FBI is actively seeking to “purge” employees with conservative views and those who dissent from “woke” diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. 

Additionally, whistleblowers say the FBI’s ‘political meddling’ ‘is dragging the criminal side [of the Bureau] down’ as resources are ‘pulled away’ from investigating crimes.”

This is headline stuff! Will my local liberal “newspaper” even mention this on page twenty-two?

The second pre-midterm bombshell comes from the Washington Post.

Again from Fox News:

“Washington Post columnist George Will called on both President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to not seek the White House in 2024 in a scathing piece on 11/2/22, calling them unfit for office.

Will, a conservative known for his staunch opposition to Donald Trump, was unsparing, writing that Biden is not just past his prime, but ‘even adequacy is in his past.’ Of Harris, he wrote her ‘style betrays a self-satisfied exaggeration of her aptitudes. Lacking natural talent, she needs to prepare, but evidently doesn’t.’ Will voted for Biden in 2020, the first time he had ever supported a Democrat, but he wants a new candidate.”

I lost a lot of respect for George Will in 2020 when he announced that he voted for Biden/Harris. What was he thinking? To me, back then his Trump-Derangement-Syndrome had affected his ability to consider what would be best for the country.

My local “newspaper” often reprints opinion pieces from the Washington Post. My prediction is that this piece by George Will will not make the cut in my local “newspaper.”


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