“ … Or Else!”

Back in May, Joe Biden threatened to take away school lunch programs from those schools that didn’t allow boys in girls bathrooms. If you recall, the U.S. Department of Agriculture officially embraced President Joe Biden’s transgender agenda and was taking steps to ensure schools comply. If schools didn’t adopt transgender bathroom policies, the Biden administration planned to withhold food funds intended for needy children. In other words, “do it my way or else!”

Lately those on the left have adopted this “or else” threat more and more.

The Department of Justice on 10/5/22 charged eleven pro-life protesters with violating federal law against blocking abortion clinics. If convicted, those charged with conspiracy could face up to eleven years in prison and fines up to $250,000, the DOJ confirmed.

These alleged offense occurred back in March 2021, and one must ask why it took so long to charge these individuals. As I have pointed out before, it is now all about intimidation! 

What the DOJ is now saying, “Do it my way, or else!”

However, this “or else” way of acting is not limited to Biden’s Department of Agriculture and Biden’s DOJ. Google has recently lowered the boom on conservative Issues and Insights 

To Google’s content police, Ramirez’s cartoons are “shocking content” and it is restricting ads on a page where a catalog of them appears. FYI,

political cartoonist Michael Ramirez has won two Pulitzer Prizes . 

In addition, Google has said that many of the printed articles on Issues and Insights violate its rules. Here’s a partial list of the recent content that Google says violate its rules, and the reason given. Judge for yourself whether Google is being reasonable or is just trying to censor content that doesn’t fit the leftist agenda.

In other words … “think like us , or else!”

Recognize that this “or else” philosophy seems to be seeping into the 

modus operandi of RINOS, specifically Sen.Lindsey Graham (R-SC). He targeted Elon Musk over recent Twitter posts and warned that senators could take away Tesla’s tax breaks, after Musk urged for de-escalation of the Russia–Ukraine war. Musk had written, “I still very much support Ukraine, but am convinced that massive escalation of the war will cause great harm to Ukraine and possibly the world,”

That prompted a critical comment and warning from Graham who suggested that lawmakers “should revisit the electric vehicle tax credit boondoggle.”

(FYI: During the early part of the Ukraine–Russia conflict, Musk announced that he would use his Starlink Internet service to aid Ukraine’s government as well as its military efforts against Russia. This week, Musk confirmed that SpaceX spent $80 million on Starlink in the Eastern European country.) 

Basically, what Sen. Graham was saying was, “either think like me …or else!” Shame on you, Sen Graham!


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