Sounds Very Scary To Me!

When someone says something that is demonstrably false there are a few possibilities:

  1. Perhaps that individual is intentionally lying or, giving the benefit of the doubt to him/her, merely “stretching the truth.”
  2. The second possibility is that the individual is innocently passing along something that someone had told him. Saying something is true without making sure about its veracity is a fault of a different color … but it is not lying.
  3. Thirdly, it is possible that the falsehood happened a very long time ago and was something minor to boot. If an eighty year old   individual said that so-and-so was at his fiftieth birthday, and he wasn’t … thirty years is a long time and in the scheme of things, a fiftieth birthday party is pretty inconsequential.
  4. Said individual is losing it. Saying X is true when it is not, is worrisome, especially if X is something that a normal person would never forget. For example, if a loved one of that individual died a horrific death with much suffering, surely that would be something a normal person would never forget. If that individual were to say that his son died in a traffic accident when in fact his son died a very painful and unforgettable death with much suffering from cancer would not only be unlikely, but impossible. … Impossible if said individual was playing with a full deck. 

        If you were going on vacation, would you trust that individual with the 

        responsibility of safeguarding your house while you were away?  … 

        No way! To entrust him with taking care of your house sounds very 

       scary to me.

        God only knows what might happen to your house it was  under his 


Unfortunately, we have a similar situation here in the U.S. The person who is ultimately responsible for the safety of all of our houses appears to be losing it!

Here I am talking about President Joe Biden who inaccurately said during remarks in Colorado on 10/12/22 that he had a son who died in Iraq. Biden appeared to be referring to his late son Beau Biden when he described himself as the “father of a man who won the bronze star, the conspicuous service medal, and lost his life in Iraq.”

However, despite what President Biden said on 10/12, Beau Biden passed away in 2015 after suffering from brain cancer.

“”It is with broken hearts that Hallie, Hunter, Ashley, Jill and I announce the passing of our husband, brother and son, Beau, after he battled brain cancer with the same integrity, courage and strength he demonstrated every day of his life,” Biden said in a statement at the time.

Like I said above, when someone says something that is demonstrably false there are a few possibilities, and I will now address these possibilities sequentially:

Do I think the President Biden was willfully lying when he said that his son, Beau, lost his life in Iraq. No, I do not think that he was purposely lying.

Likewise this is not a case of someone innocently passing along something someone had told him. As noted in the above 2015 Biden statement, he was fully cognizant that his son had died from a brain tumor.

In addition, this falsehood is not about something that happened a very long time ago and was not about something minor.The death of his son happened a mere seven years ago, and Beau’s death was far, far from being something minor.

Finally, we are left with the possibility that Joe Biden is losing it. A few weeks ago at an awards type presentation, President Biden repeatedly called for a woman to come up to the stage. Unfortunately, this Congresswoman was dead! I guess one could weakly alibi that the President had not heard about her death in a traffic accident … notice that I said “weakly!” Or that he had forgotten that she had died. However, how could anyone forget how his son had died? The fact that Joe Biden stated that his son had died in Iraq is indeed very scary to me. In his present state of mind would you trust him to look after your house ? …  No, me neither!


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