They Were Wrong … So What!

Thomas Sowell is an American author, economist, political commentator, social theorist, and senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. 

(For those who aren’t familiar with him, he was born in Gastonia, North Carolina to a poor family in 1930, later growing up in HarlemNew York. Due to financial issues and deteriorated home conditions, he dropped out of Stuyvesant High School and served in the Marine Corps during the Korean War. Upon returning to the United States, Sowell took night classes at Howard University before attending Harvard University, graduating magna cum laude in 1958. He earned his master’s degree in economics from Columbia University the next year and received a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago in 1968.)

He is a black conservative philosopher of sorts who is known for his many wise statements, one of which I happened on recently. He said,

“It’s hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”

When I read this I immediately thought of all the inane Covid-related decisions made by “those who knew best,” and who have paid no price for being wrong.

It would be close to impossible to list all of these but to me they basically fall into a few categories:

-Those who were medically in charge of something, including many who were never elected, but merely appointed. This group goes all the way from the “esteemed” Dr. Fauci all the way through those at the CDC, down to and including those medically in command of health departments in various cities and states. This group also includes the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Beccera, a lawyer with no medical training. Those in this group include all of those who ignored the long standing medical concept of immunity due to prior Covid infection.

-Pompous dictates by those in charge of something. This group includes governors,  mayors, city councilmembers and supervisors, heads of school districts, all the way down to principals of certain schools.This group includes many who pronounced, “Get vaccinated or lose your job!”

Many, many of those included in the above categories made erroneous decisions, and most of them are “paying no price for being wrong.” Think of all those who lost their jobs because of non-adherence to vaccine mandates. Who will ultimately be held responsible for that? Will those who were wrong about vaccine mandates be held responsible for the chaos and destruction that occurred to individuals because of these mandates? What about all of the businesses that were destroyed because of forced population isolations? What about those who championed for school closures even though children are minimally affected by Covid? Who will be held responsible for any of the above decisions?

The answer to the question of responsibility is “no one will be held responsible – “they will pay no price for being wrong!” Thomas Sewell is right on target yet again!


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