Plot Twists … FICTION?

In my other life I am a writer of fiction. I discovered many years ago that indeed I enjoyed penning fictional stories. In the past someone who was also a writer of fiction said something that has stuck with me over the years. He said that he liked writing fiction because he could make up and thus write anything he that wanted … because it was FICTION!

Yesterday I finished reading my thirty-eighth Stephen King book. This book was a collection of twenty short stories, and before each short story he described what had inspired him and subsequently led up to him writing that particular short story. Since I love Stephen King, I decided that perhaps my next book or short story could be drawn from an idea I had about present day events.(Before you read on, remember that in writing fiction, the author can make up whatever plot twists he wishes … because it is FICTION!)

My main character in this piece of fiction is a politician … a very smart individual as well as a very skillful politician. Granted he is not always P.C., and sometimes he rubs people the wrong way. However this particular facet of his personality is one of the many things that has caused millions to be his staunch supporters. He travels a lot, but at present his permanent residence is in Florida. 

A while back this main character was tipped off that he had an FBI-placed informant on the staff of his Florida mansion. “What to do?” His options were to fire the s.o.b., or to figure out a way to use that individual for his benefit. As I have already stated, he was very smart and so he decided to slowly and surreptitiously “leak” tidbits of mis-information to this secret informant. One day, in an off-the-cuff way, he told the mole that he had just purchased and installed a brand new safe, the combination to which, only he would know. Likewise, this new safe would be virtually impossible to break into. Furthermore because of this safe’s super-security, he was going to put most of his most prized documents into that safe. On another occasion, our hero also let it slip that he had also hidden many of his personal papers in his wife’s closet. He also let it be known on the QT that he also buried documents in drawers which contained his wife’s lingerie. In other discussions with his staff, our main character let it slip that he and his wife would be out of town in early August.

Without ruining the rest of the plot or the ending of my story, suffice it to say that the opposition informant went for the fake – hook, line, and sinker. They raided his Florida mansion on some Trumped-up charges while he was out of town, and thoroughly searched through all of his wife’s clothing, and I mean all of her clothing! Because they knew that our hero was keeping his most prized papers in his new safe, they also brought along an expert safecracker to insure that that they could gather up all that was being hidden in that super-secure safe. In addition the security cameras that were spread throughout the house were able to capture the reckless and aimless searchers scratching their heads when his wife’s chest of drawers and her closet contained nothing but her clothes and undergarments. Furthermore, the safecracker was able open the brand new expensive safe, and surprise, surprise … this safe was empty! 

Now granted this plot does not thus far measure up to Stephen King’s standards, but there will be many more plot twists before the final chapter is finished.



114 Replies to “Plot Twists … FICTION?”

  1. Haha! I have not read a Stephen king novel since he has ventured into spouting liberal ideation,: I used to love Stephen king novels too.

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