Deceit !

It seems to me that we are seeing more and more deceit from the Federal Government. Now here I am not talking about exaggeration or even only telling one side of the story, but, deceit, just plain and simple.

Today I will focus on Pete Buttigieg, the U.S. Secretary of Transportation who is showing how adept he is at deceiving with a straight face. Here I am specifically referring his remarks to questions about this baby formula crisis on CBS Face the Nation on 5/15/22. Buttigieg said that “the administration has been on top of the issue since day one.”

On the same day Rep. Kat Cammack, R, FL told FOX Business’ Maria Bartiromo how she exposed the baby formula stockpiles at the U.S.’s southern border by taking matters into her own hands and filming the scene firsthand.

REP. KAT CAMMACK: “Yesterday I was on the border myself and the facts on the ground are exactly how we have been stating them. Last week, I received text messages and photos from Border Patrol agents showing a stockpile of baby formula and there was complete outrage from the White House, CNN and other liberal outlets claiming that we were lying, so I decided to go down myself and film it. Lo and behold, not only was there stocked warehouses, but there were multiple stocked warehouses that have been not only filled with baby formula, diapers, wipes and clothing, but they have been doing this for months and there’s more en route. 

This just points again to how out of touch this administration is and they could stop this with a simple policy change. And to the Secretary of Transportation’s remarks that they have been on top of this from day one: That is a lie. They canceled 43% of this manufacturer’s production with no plan to backfill that market share that they make up. So, how have they been on top of this? Because moms for months have been saying it was getting harder and harder to find formula. This is just another example of the broken administration that doesn’t know how to govern.”

Personally, I do not have a problem with having a stockpile of baby formula at the border. One might say that if you are going to invite a bunch of people into your house, you have to be able to feed them. However, what I do have a problem with is the deceit that is part and parcel of the issue. If the Federal Government has warehouses of baby supplies at the border, this did not occur overnight. A lot of planning had to go into stockpiling these warehouses. Somebody had to know that a big time shortage of baby formula was soon to be on the horizon, and this individual obviously planned to be able to provide for his “house-guests.” However, what I do have a problem with is the deceit involved. This problem should have been recognized back in February, and possibly was. Somebody obviously did recognize it, and planned in advance to fill up these warehouses at the border … in other words somebody had to be on top of this issue since day one! Could it be that the U.S. Secretary of Transportation was the one who was on top of the problem since day one?

If not Buttigieg, then who? These warehouses aren’t now suddenly stocked with baby supplies, including formula, by happenstance. Somebody knew what was coming, acted on it at the border, but did not warn the American people … deceit, pure and simple!


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