What If ?

Let’s play a little game of “what if?” 

For instance, what if when then President Clinton had the chance to take out Osama bin Ladin, he gave the okay? How many American lives would have been saved if bin Ladin was already dead on that infamous day in September in 2001?

What if German army Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg had been successful in his attempt to kill Adolf Hitler in 1944? How many lives would have been saved?

What if Florida State trooper, Toni Shuck, did not place her own life in danger when she positioned her SUV between a speeding suspected DUI motorist and throngs of unsuspecting runners participating in the Skyway 10K on 3/6/22. By using her initiative to stop the evil drunk driver, she saved dozens upon dozens of lives and saved even more people from serious bodily harm injury. Are the throngs of people that were saved by Trooper Shuck any more important than the hundreds of Ukrainian civilians who have lost their lives? What about the millions of Ukrainians who have been forced to flee and take refuge in a foreign country, all because of the evil Vladimir Putin.

Recently, Lindsey Graham said the only way Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ends is “for somebody in Russia to take this guy out”.

In a statement on Twitter, the outspoken Republican asks if the Russian president has a “Brutus” who can take out Mr Putin and end the war.

Sen. Graham was vilified by a number of his colleagues, but was he ‘right on?’ The more I think about how this Ukraine war is likely to end, the more prescient I think Sen. Graham was.

These examples of “what if,” bring up a more basic question … “Should the getting rid of evil be encouraged? … Should the silencing for good of an obviously evil person, like Hitler or bin Ladin have been encouraged?Likewise should the killing of Putin be encouraged?Is  there any doubt that he is evil? What if Putin were assassinated tomorrow … how many innocent lives would be saved?


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