I Know, I Know … Not a RCT!

These Ivermectin stories just continue to pop-up! I am not actively searching the literature, however when I see a reference to the use of Ivermectin for Covid, I look into it. Granted I am not doing randomized controlled trials (RCT), and most of what I am reading are not RCTs, however remarkably I have yet to read anything that definitively states that Ivermectin does not work, furthermore, similar to its use for parasitic diseases, I have not read anything that even infers that using Ivermectin in the treatment of Covid causes any harm. While RCTs are indeed the gold standard, how many different Ivermectin observational success stories does one need before saying, “Come on, man!”?

This latest story in the Ivermectin saga comes from the Dominican Republic. In fact there are two different ways to use Ivermectin for Covid in the Dominican Republic – one as early treatment and one as prophylaxis.

First, early treatment … from an Epoch Times article:

“One of the first case series, from the Dominican Republic, was published in June 2020. They treated 3,300 consecutive emergency room COVID patients with ivermectin. Of those, only 16 went on to be hospitalized and one died. That’s pretty profound, considering these were severely ill individuals.”

I then found a subsequent article from Dominican News Today dated Sept.29,2021 that was more recent and described the successful use in more than 6000 patients. The headline reads:

“Group of doctors highlight results of successes in more that 6,000 patients with COVID-19 treated with the drug ivermectin”

I know, I know, not a RCT, but even non-believers have to admit that 6000 patients is an impressive number. (FYI, I tried to copy and paste from this Santa Domingo, DR newspaper article, but to no avail. If you are really interested, Google ‘Ivermectin, Dominican Republic’ and read it yourself.)

The second usage of Ivermectin in the Dominican Republic had to do with Ivermectin prophylaxis in health care workers. I know, I know not a RCT, but impressive nonetheless.

This study was printed in Clinical Trials.gov in April, 2021 and was titled :

“SARS-CoV-2 Pre-exposure Prophylaxis With Ivermectin Retrospective Cohort Study”

A Brief Summary:

“This observational study, a multicenter retrospective cohort database study, carried out in two medical centers, Centro Medico Bournigal (CMBO) in Puerto Plata and Centro Medico Punta Cana (CMPC) in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, sought to determine whether Ivermectin, at a weekly orally dose of 0.2 mg/kg, is an effective pre-exposure prophylactic method (PrEP) for the spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), in the healthcare workers. The study began on June 29, 2020 and ended on July 26, 2020 (4 weeks).”

There were 542 healthcare workers – 271 health professionals who voluntarily adhered to a PrEP program with ivermectin at a weekly oral (OV) dose of 0.2 mg/kg, and 271 health professionals who did not adhere to the program were assigned as a control group. The results were that the ivermectin group had a 74% lower risk of having symptomatic Covid-19 than the control group. 

There was a distinct emphasis in both of these studies that vaccination for prevention of Covid and Ivermectin for either prevention or treatment of Covid were complementary, not exclusionary. 

One wonders if, at some point, the Main Stream Media will open its eyes and look at the multiple areas around the globe where Ivermectin has been beneficially used and say, “Come on man!”


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