“Hell No” … And It’s Just the Beginning !

A few weeks ago the Supreme Court (Justice Amy Coney Barrett) refused to hear a case involving Indiana State colleges mandating the Covid vaccine for entering students. Note that this was not a private business, but a state school. At that point I emphasized that this was just the beginning, and SCOTUS’ ducking this issue would only lead to more and more chaos. 

Right on schedule, in Chicago, on 8/23/21, Mayor Lori Lightfoot told reporters that jabs “are absolutely going to be required” for all city employees by Oct. 15. Lightfoot’s mandate will include the police to be fully vaccinated by that same date.

The mayor’s call was immediately met with pushback from Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara, who said the city’s police are adamantly opposed to a mandate — which could mean the city could be short thousands of cops come mid-October.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported that this is not going over well with the Chicago PD, whose union made it clear where cops stand: “Hell, no.”

Catanzara continued, “It cannot be mandated. It’s that simple. Our members don’t want to be mandated to do anything like that,” Catanzara told the Sun-Times following Lightfoot’s announcement. “This vaccine has no studies for long-term side effects or consequences. None. To mandate anybody to get that vaccine, without that data as a baseline, amongst other issues, is a ‘Hell, no’ for us.”

Catanzara doubled down on the issue in a followup interview with the newspaper Wednesday.

“We’re in America, God***n it,” he said. “We don’t want to be forced to do anything. Period. This ain’t Nazi f***ing Germany, [where they say], ‘Step into the f***ing showers. The pills won’t hurt you.’ What the f***?”

“Nobody knows what the long term side effects could possibly be. Nobody,” he went on. “And anybody who says they do are full of s**t.”

And the mayor can expect to see them in court, WFLD-TV reported

It certainly will be interesting to see what happens in Chicago come October 15, and this will be just the beginning. Granted Justice Coney Barrett is just a rookie, but wouldn’t it be best if everyone knew just how far those in authority could mandate things for us ordinary citizens.



111 Replies to ““Hell No” … And It’s Just the Beginning !”

  1. Imagine a young unvaccinated Chicago police cadet who contracted Covid 6 months before joining the academy. He has to get the jab or quit even though his immune system ( per recent Israeli and other studies) is as much as 13 times stronger at fighting a breakthrough case then those who are vaccinated. Where’s the logic/ science?

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