DACA … In the News Again

On 7/16/21 Judge Andrew S. Hanen of the Southern District of Texas issued a decision which will block the Department of Homeland Security from approving new DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) applications. 

Finally a bit of common sense injected into what is usually a topic that is discussed purely on an emotional basis. At this moment in time I am presuming that we all know that DACA recipients are those individuals who were brought into the USA illegally by their parents while they were children. The emotional argument can probably be summarized like this – these poor children were brought here through no fault of their own, and if they are deported, they would have no place no go, no place that they would be familiar with, and certainly no place in which they had any roots.

The counter argument is that they are here illegally as are their parents, and therefore should be deported.

From Townhall:

“The decision found that President Barack Obama illegally exceeded his executive authority in 2012 when his administration created the DACA program. 

Judge Hanen called the program an “illegally implemented program” and said “the public interest of the nation is always served by the cessation of a program that was created in violation of law and whose existence violates the law.”

He held off for now on deciding how current recipients will be affected. “To be clear, neither this order nor the accompanying injunction requires DHS or the Department of Justice to take any immigration, deportation, or criminal action against any DACA recipient, applicant, or any other individual that it would otherwise not take.”

I get it. I get both sides of this discussion. I have no axe to grind with these DACA individuals, and as is often the case, I have a compromise which involves those words that are not used in politics these days . . . common sense!

First a  cut off date needs to be arrived at. It makes no sense to say that young children being brought into the country illegally can continue to be brought in ad infinitum.

I have no issue with these DACA individuals staying in the country except that I do not want them voting. It’s actually quite simple … they are not citizens and should neither vote nor receive benefits.

My compromise:

Let them all stay as that is the right thing to do. However, if any of the DACA individuals try to vote or even register to vote, try to get benefits, or commit a felony … -> out! … meaning immediate deportation.

Now finally the “contrarian” part of my plan … have the Republicans sponsor the legislation for the reconciliation of this DACA dilemma. Furthermore, have the Republicans in both the House and the Senate coordinate efforts to resolve this problem.

Everyone is aware that eventually this issue is going to need to be resolved, and for the most part the sentiment of the country is going to be on the side of the DACA individuals.

Republicans: “Steal the thunder on this issue … and do it now.”


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