The ‘R’ Word

Is there any way that anyone can disagree with a person of color without being called the ‘R’ word? In today’s world the answer is “no,” … unless the person of color that is being disagreed with is a conservative, or a Republican. If they happen to be in either of the aforementioned groups, then the person of color is called an “Uncle Tom,” and the critics are not called the ‘R’ word.

To me it is becoming more and more clear that if someone is called the ‘R’ word, it means that those who disagree actually cannot argue substance, but are reverting to the Democrat standby of attaching the speaker instead of what the speaker is saying. Fortunately, at this time, those who indiscriminately toss around the “R’ word are being recognized more and more as being the same type of individuals as those who stand on the street corners warning everyone that “the world is ending.” In other words, no one is paying attention to them.

Like an increasing percent of the population, I resent being told that I am a racist. I fully agree with Martin Luther King Jr. when he said “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Sometimes I wonder if those who haphazardly toss around the ‘R’ word are familiar with MLK. 

I disagree with some individuals who are black, brown, or yellow for the same reason that I disagree with many individuals who are white … I do not agree with what they say or what they stand for. Period!

I remember quite well back after the 2008 election that a black coworker told me that her mother was ecstatic because “one of their own had been elected, and she voted for him because he was black.” At that point I did not come out with an ad hominem statement using the ‘R’ word even though the mother was certainly professing what the ‘R’ word was originally meant to imply.

So do not call me the ‘R’ word unless you want the R to stand for Rational, Reasonable, or Responsible for my own actions.

And BTW, yes, I am the other ‘R’ word … I am a Republican.


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