“Now It Begins”

Now it begins, day after day . . .

I try to pretend

It’s over at last

This time the big hurt will end

These are some of the lyrics to The Big Hurt by Miss Toni Fisher from the 1960 British Hit Parade: Britain’s Greatest Hits Vol. 9, Pt. 1.

When I read the following story in the Blase from Arkansas, I was reminded of the lyrics of this song . . . “now it begins . . .”

Samantha Wise, a mother of five children, told KARK-TV she was fired her job at Harvest Cannabis Dispensary in Conway on March 3 when her supervisors became aware that she was not going to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

“They actually did it — they really fired me — I didn’t think it was really going to happen,” Wise told KARK. “I knew most everybody’s names that came in there. I liked making people’s day.”

Wise said the vaccines make her uncomfortable, explaining she has a history of experiencing adverse reactions to medicines. “I am always that one out of every 10 or so that has a bad reaction. I am that one — so I would just rather not,” Wise said. “I don’t have good reaction with a lot of medicine.”

Chris Burks, an Arkansas employment attorney, told KARK the dispensary’s actions are legal. “In Arkansas, your employer can fire you for not taking [the vaccine], unless there is an issue with a medical issue or religious belief,” Burks explained.

I am not an anti-vaccer, but I do believe in freedom of choice. If Samantha Wise does not want to get a covid vaccine (for whatever reason), that should be her choice. You can bet your bippy if she was a minority, her story would be on the front page as well as on CNN. 

I understand that her employer is in a CYA frame of mind “looking out for the well being of its customers.” As a compromise, perhaps Ms. Wise could wear a mask at all times as masks are supposed to be very good for preventing the spread of Covid. Or maybe she could even wear a double mask just like President Biden . . . BTW: rumor has it that Sleepy Joe does have a special single mask that he wears while on Zoom meetings and while sleeping.)

I doubt that we will hear the final outcome for this mother of five, but I do believe that this particular vaccine-no vaccine story is just the beginning, (“now it begins”), as it will be awhile before “the big hurt (Covid) will end.”

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