. . . Go To Sleep, America

Was there some skulduggery involved in the 2020 presidential election? At this point the answer is seemingly, “no.” The mainstream media is not even bringing the topic up. The 2020 election is a fait accompli . . . there was no deceit; so move on. Hmmm! Go to sleep, America.

In the second impeachment trial, that btw I did not follow, I didn’t hear the “suspicion” of foul play even brought up, and I ask myself, “why?” If the best defense is often a good offense, why wasn’t this possibility being at least alluded to when the entire country, excluding me, is supposedly paying attention?

I do not consider myself a “conspiracy theorist.” But I was suspicious when the New York Post’s October article concerning Hunter Biden and his laptop was “conveniently” banned from just about everything, including Facebook, Google, and YouTube, before the election. Was that a conspiracy? Hmmm!  . . . Go to sleep, America.

On Friday, February 5th, Mike Lindell—Mr. My Pillow—released to America a video entitled Absolute Proof. Therein, he purported to provide irrefutable evidence that both domestic and foreign conspirators fraudulently derailed the 2020 election to unlawfully defeat President Trump and illegally deliver a victory to Joe Biden.

Shortly after hearing about Mr. My Pillow’s video, I listened to it – a scheduled two hour presentation by Mike Lindell about some supposed “funny stuff” with the 2020 election. Keep in mind that in order for me to watch this entire video, I had to stay up to 11 p.m. I haven’t seen 11 pm since Covid started, and I was rightfully concerned that I would be asleep long before the halfway mark. However, much to my surprise, Lindell’s presentation was spellbinding, and I could have easily watched another few hours. It was not so much about truckloads of ballots being brought in at 3am to Detroit, or about selected observers being banned from observing the vote counting, but rather the focus was much more about foreign interference (hacking, etc),especially from China via the Internet,. There was testimony from multiple experts in computer technology. It was very impressive. In fact I was going to watch it again the next day . . . but, oops, it had been taken down. Similar to the article about Hunter Biden’s computer . . .  it disappeared! Again, although I do not consider myself a “conspiracy theorist,” . . . Hmmm!  . . . Go to sleep, America, but not with My Pillow.

Yesterday, 2/13/21, before the innocent verdict, I read an opinion piece on Townhall by Clifford Nichols, an attorney and author. Basically Mr. Nichols had two questions.

First: Is the FBI aware of Mr. My Pillow’s video presentation? If the answer is “no,” why not? If the answer is “yes,” why are we, the public, not aware that they are at least looking into it? Hmmm!  . . . Go to sleep, America.

Second: Is there is there a reason that President’s Trump’s impeachment attorneys did not show Mr. My Pillow’s video presentation in its entirety during the trial?

To close, I would strongly recommend that every American should be able to watch Lindell’s video. It should be reinstated on YouTube, etc.

I would also strongly recommend reading the opinion piece by Cliff Nichols . . . before it also is taken down!

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