I Thought . . .

“Don’t go playing out in the alley. It’s too dangerous.” That was back in 1950, and since I was five years old, I did what I was told.

“Don’t go playing at that construction site. It’s too dangerous.” That was circa 1956, and since I was a kid and my parents fed me, I did what I was told. (BTW, they were right, as Teddy Leahy fell at broke his arm at that same construction site the following day.)

“Don’t go south on the Dan Ryan Expressway. It’s too dangerous.” That was back in 1962 when I got my driver’s license. (To this day I still avoid the Dan Ryan Expressway in Chicago, as if you have to get off for any reason, you’ll be taking your life in your hands.)

When I turned twenty-one I figured that I could make my own decisions. I was now an adult. In 1967 I basically “sang” the 1959 Lloyd Price song,

I’m Gonna Get Married . . .which went like this:

“(Johnny, you’re too young)

But I’m gonna get married

(You’re so young)

My name she’ll carry

(You’re too young)

(And Johnny you’re so smart)

But not smart enough to hide

An aching heart”

(For those of you not old enough to recognize this song, this should help from Google:

“I’m Gonna Get Married” is a 1959 R&B/pop hit written by Harold Logan and Lloyd Price and recorded by Lloyd Price. The single was his follow-up to “Personality” and, like that entry, “I’m Gonna Get Married” went to number one on the Billboard R&B chart, where it stayed for three consecutive weeks.)

I was right back then 1967. I made the right choice. I was a big boy, and this was America. Back then in America, everyone could make and then be responsible for their own decisions. What happened to that America? 

Now it seems that even though I am considerably older that I was in 1967, I am not being allowed to make my own decisions. For example, “You can go to a strip club or a casino, but you cannot go to church.” 

Me: “Why not?”

Just like my parents years back, those who know best answer, “It’s too dangerous. And furthermore you cannot go to a restaurant or to your gym, as they also are too dangerous.”

Me: “Why am I not allowed to make these decisions for myself? I am a big boy, and the last time I checked, this was still America. If I want to go to a restaurant, I should be able to do it. I should be able to access the risk, and then decide for myself. If I want to go to my gym, I should be able to do it. This is still America. 

From my perspective, if restaurant A is the source of a Covid outbreak (defined as three or more cases not from the same family), then do the logical thing, and shut down restaurant A. Why is God’s name would any rational person close down all of the restaurants in a county?! I thought that this was still America.

Likewise, if gym B is the source of an Covid outbreak, then quarantine  gym B for a period of time. Again with the risk of being redundant … I thought that this was still America.

Oops . . . my mistake, it’s California.

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