The Young & the Clueless

My assumption is that the votes that carried this election were those of young, “Student” voters. Though actual statistics won’t be available for a couple years, my calculation following a review of the pre-election info available online, is that 71% of the 10 million undergrad students (or 7.1 million) planned to vote and 70% of those pledged to vote for Biden/Kamala, accounting for nearly 5 Million votes. 

To all of You, I applaud the interest and passion that drove Your activism and so, Congratulations to you! The survival of our democracy will certainly require that level of enthusiasm.

There’s one major problem with this. When coupled with the significant number of voters who were participating…and in many cases leading the demonstrations and protests (that resulted in so much damage done to Our cities and to small businesses and their owners; many of whom will never be able to afford to reopen), is that you represent a critical mass of the population that has yet to meaningfully contribute to our society and economy i.e. have a real job/career and pay taxes. Not to mention having yet to make a single mortgage payment, pay for your own insurance, or things like braces for your children, and, paying for their education…YOUR Education. You therefore, have Absolutely No Idea what it is you were fighting so passionately for (or against)!

What you students need to do, similar to how you empathized with minorities when you posted your black screens and your rainbow flags before that, is “personalize” the adverse affect of those sentiments and soon to be policies, which will emanate from Your misguided idealism.

Imagine for a moment that the cafe or bookstore who’s windows were broken, inventory stolen, counters urinated & defecated on before being burned, was YOUR lifetime dream. Imagine that the police officer who’s face was spat on and life threatened was YOUR Dad, Mom or Sister (or YOU) who made the career choice to help and protect people…and have to continue showing up to face that treatment (along with Your general ire and contempt) because they need to house, feed and clothe YOU. 

TheBiden/Harris policies, and the policies that they support, will reverse the progress made over the past four years, and will be a huge detriment to Your ability as educated students, to get a well-paying job and realize Your dreams. And, hopefully, those dreams don’t involve owning Your own business because Biden/Kamala are Anti-Business, Anti-Corporation, Anti-Manufacturing and Anti-progress. Their policies will once again, increase regulation, which is the greatest roadblock to Innovation, Entrepreneurship and “Made in America”! They’ve also unapologetically pledged to Raise Taxes for every one of You who strives to succeed. The more successful You become, the more You’ll pay in taxes. Up to 70%-90% for the most successful of YOU! All, in the interest of “Economic Equality” i.e. SOCIALISM!

You see, having not yet paid your dues (see above re: Your not yet contributing), what you might not understand is that, in real life, NOTHING IS FREE! I ask You to imagine for a second, what it costs to feed, house and clothe one single person. Add to that, the cost to provide them with medical care, an education, and perhaps a minimal amount of spending money. Now, multiply that by the hundreds…no, thousands…how about tens of thousands that are being allowed to enter our country illegally. How do you propose we pay that bill? I know it’s difficult because most of You have No Idea!


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